Welcome to #DorkTour 2021
#DorkTour is a revolutionary workshop series that invites people all over the world to explore and actively engage in their own mental, emotional and spiritual healing. Through the power of movement, mindfulness, reflection, and unwavering community, participants will be supported as they embark on a journey towards overall health and happiness. Learn how to release limiting beliefs, get comfortable with the uncomfortable, and ultimately embrace your fullest potential so that you may leave #DorkTour feeling more connected to the one person that matters most - yourself!
What we don’t own, inevitably owns us. And, the truth is, we simply cannot heal what we aren’t able to reveal. This year, 2021, you are warmly welcomed to join on the 8th annual #DorkTour; a workshop series focused on uncovering and releasing the unsupportive patterns that prevent us all from stepping confidently into our power. Allow this three session series to step-by-step guide you in the direction of your deepest dreams; bringing the unconscious to light so that you may feel fully at peace with your most authentic self and start creating your destiny.
Due to Covid-19 restrictions, this year’s #DorkTour will be virtual.
Who is this for?
This is for anyone who is ready to begin their self-healing journey. You don’t need to have any knowledge about these topics as we will go through them together so you have a better understanding.
Caution If you are a person who suffers from mental illness or emotional imbalances, these topics may be triggering for you. Please consult your doctor before attending the sessions.