
Welcome to the journey of discovering yourself. Each session will cover a specific topic that will help you dive deeper into yourself. With each topic, you will be provided with a set of reflective questions that will help you get to know yourself and the possible blockages that prevent you from being your best self.


What do I need to bring? What setting should I be in?

Find a quiet place and bring a pen and paper to truly dive deep into the questions provided in each session.

Things I need to know

Please arrive 10 minutes early for each session. The sessions will begin right on time. We will begin each session with meditation to ground and open up the safe space. If you arrive late, you won’t be allowed in until meditation ends.

Session #1

The Unseen

with Dr. Jaman

September 12th, 2021

Time: 11 am- 1 pm est

Each and every one of us is composed of both seen and unseen parts that greatly affect our everyday lives. A series of patterns and belief systems that both knowingly and unknowingly direct the course of our day, our month, our life. Yet, for as influential as these ingrained messages are, when was the last time you offered yourself the opportunity to pause and reflect on the very things that continuously go overlooked? What are the fears, doubts, and attachments that are holding you back from being your best true self? This all-level workshop has been created to assist you in identifying the blockages that prevent you from hearing your heartfelt intuition. Effectively using meditation, gentle movement, and journaling techniques to strengthen personal intuition and ultimately your connection to source. It’s from this place of connectedness and alignment that we are able to manifest and create all that our heart desires.

Session #2

Integrate & Shift

with Dr. Jaman

September 19th, 2021

Time: 11 am- 1 pm est

Integration: The unseen and seen parts of ourselves, similar to darkness and light, need to integrate for us to access our highest self. This two-part session will introduce the notion that your shadow contains both your struggles and your greatest strengths. Every one of your unique gifts, raw talents, and most beneficial qualities are contained within outdated belief systems; imprisoned by fear, avoidance, insecurity, and doubt. 

The shift: It’s only by accepting and embracing all of the pieces and parts of ourselves — the seen and the unseen — that we give ourselves permission to step fully into greatness. The second of this two-part session is where the real change, healing, and transformation will occur. Liberating you from the weight of unconscious blocks, and seamlessly shifting you in the direction of your personal evolution.

Session #3

Release & Surrender

with Dr. Jaman

September 26, 2021

Time: 11 am- 1 pm est

Release: A powerful gift lies in the recognition of what no longer enhances your life - the ability to consciously let go. The final session of this three-part series has been curated with tools to encourage you to release the unsupportive qualities, limiting beliefs, and unhelpful patterns that no longer resonate with your truest self. Master the subtle art of letting go of what doesn’t benefit you, so that you may make space for all of the beauty and all of the bounty that does. 

Surrender: A crucial element in creating and manifesting desires is controlling the things you can, and relinquishing the things that you cannot. Surrender is a practice of letting go of the need for specific results whilst willingly placing faith in the hands of a higher power. This final session of the series will support you as you learn to surrender to a space of co-creation with the universe so that doors may easily open in both your inner and outer worlds.