

Jamil Abdullah

"Yoga is about so much more than physical flexibility. Your vibe attracts your tribe. I'm honored to have been attracted to your vibe and you to mine. It's a good measure of me heading in the right direction. I'm so grateful to you for planning the retreat, yes, but also of course for your patience with me and the time you took to talk to me about life. I learned a lot from you and feel so empowered to ask the questions and find the answers for myself. I know it may seem like a small feat to you because it's just who you are but these moments came together to change my life. I think you'll be seeing my work. I also have a passion and I'm feeling good about pursuing it because you make it seem doable. I do want to be extremely clear with you about this. I knew I had to be in attendance. I knew I had to meet you. I knew I had to talk to you. And I knew it would be amazing and it was. "


Staress Smith

"I learned to allow myself the time/space/opportunity to connect with myself (as well as others). Be fluid, have fun, enjoy life & laugh lots! I thoroughly enjoyed each & every yoga session. What was taught during each session was extremely helpful for my practice & life on/off the mat. Thank you!! Words cannot express the gratitude I have for you (Sanàa) & the brand that you are building/have built!! Your positive vibes & energy were felt (day 1) when I found you on IG (Sept. 2017) after searching how to start yoga. I came across your page & have been fascinated since! You are truly a God sent & I can’t thank you enough for putting together such an amazing retreat! Everything I’ve learned, saw & did in Bali will forever be embedded in my mind. I also have gained life long friends from your retreat- something I didn’t expect. Thank you sooo much!! Love you!!"


Dia Garcia

"It was simply amazing. I will attend more in the future. All the yoga sessions were great. The restorative yoga/ meditation was my favorite. That was the best nights sleep I had while I was there. My key take ways are being kinder to myself, being present, realizing that I control my emotions and its up to me how long I feel that way. "


Erwins Cazeau

"What I learned at #DetachWithDork is that etting go is important. Letting go of expectations, past mindsets, etc. Its easier to change and become a new person than it is the stay the same living a life not fit for your higher self. "


Whitney Christy

"My takeaway from this retreat was that it's ok to let go and not always worry about things all the time!! It's ok to just do it, if that makes sense. One example I can't swim, but I jumped in the ocean and in the pool (the group jump after yoga) without so much as a second thought. I always think before I do things, but on this trip I just let go. Overall the retreat was everything!!! I enjoyed myself and didn't think about anything going on at home. I CANNOT wait for the next one!!!"


"#DetachWithDork taught me to take more time to be present. Express more gratitude and open your heart. I appreciated your flexibility around the agenda overall and the fact that you encouraged people to do what they wanted and engage when they felt like it. No one was obligated to do anything. I think you did an amazing job especially considering the fact that this was your first time organizing something like this. I really appreciate you for providing this experience for me and everyone else. I love that you practice what you preach and exude love in all that you do." - Jamica Cropper-Pam


"My key takeaway from #DetachWithDork is taking more time to focus on my development. I'm always focusing on what to do next or what I have not gotten right and I forget to reflect on who I am in the present. I struggle with connecting with others and the trip taught me that sometimes other people are struggling with the same things you are. The energy that I recieved from the group and Sanaa was the most meaningful. I really enjoyed the retreat. I am grateful that Sanaa decided to share this experience with me. I enjoyed the energy and the focus on being present, reflection and fellowship." - Shahna Campbell

"I'm leaving #DetachWithDork with gratitude, knowing and trusting thyself, following passion and being present.Loved the vinyasa flow sessions and especially the last day where we had fun with it. It was a Life changing experience!"

-Submitted Anonymously

"#DetachWithDork taught me to be with myself, be present and slow down. It was great. Inspirational. & everything I needed." 

-Submitted Anonymously

"I've learned to protect my energy, putting more of it into myself and to stop giving it to people or things that my heart really isn’t into. I enjoyed myself immensely, I returned home renewed and can not wait for the next one. Put me on the waitlist."

- Vakhara Talton

"My key takeaways from #DetachWithDork is to cultivate my intention to remaining aware yet, detached. This was an amazing unforgettable, life changing experience: THANK YOU."

-Submitted Anonymously 

“I confronted fears and healed so many parts of myself that I didn’t know was left to be healed. I met myself. Since the retreat, I walk and stand straighter, I speak with more confidence, and I have a new zest for life. During the retreat, I let go and surrendered. I released. I jumped. The sisterhood that was formed amongst strangers, even just for those moments together was beautiful. The sacred space of being seen, heard, and encouraged was unmatched. You could fall apart with no judgement and everyone was there to help you pick up the pieces to put yourself together as this whole new wonderful person. I now have a knowing about my life and everything that I will accomplish. I feel more aligned to God and the universe. I found the me that was missing after all of these years. I don’t feel the need to shrink myself and hide. I had no expectations going into the retreat however, I’m so grateful that God chose to place it upon Sanaa to host this retreat and that he aligned everything perfectly for those moments experienced during. Thank you for creating such a healing, loving, and sacred space for us to come. This trip will forever be in my heart as a pivotal moment for me. Everything has shifted since and is aligning with my purpose. An expression of gratitude simply isn’t enough!” -Taneisha Primus